Faculty Tips and Tricks - Unbound Scenarios

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Tips, Tricks, & Frequently Asked Questions- Faculty Edition

Below you will find useful tips and tools to help guide you through utilizing Unbound Scenarios. If you have other questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to reach us at ubs@unboundmedicine.com.

1. What types of NGN questions are included? Are bowtie and trend questions included?

All NGN question types that are part of the current test plan are included: Extended Multiple Response, Extended Drag & Drop, Cloze/Drop Down, Enhanced Hot Spot, and Matrix/Grid. Special research questions (Bowtie and Trend) will be included in future iterations.[1]

2. Am I able to modify the scenarios?

Unbound Scenarios are created in collaboration with nurse educators to provide a guided journey to help teach clinical judgment. With formative learning activities, links to knowledge in Nursing Central, and summative NGN-style questions, Unbound Scenarios are carefully formulated to help students think as a nurse. Unbound Medicine is collecting feedback regarding this capability. If you would like to participate, please reach out to our customer feedback team [link to ubs@unboundmedicine.com].

We welcome feedback, questions, and thoughts from our users, as you play an instrumental role in helping us improve. Please share your insights with us at ubs@unboundmedicine.com

3. Can a student change their answer to a question or activity once they’ve progressed to the next section?

The questions are designed to help students use their clinical judgment in a real-life situation, and think through the answer. The subsequent activities and questions reference previous correct answers to help the students put the whole picture together. Therefore, a student might be tempted to go back and change their answer, which does not give a true representation of the way they understand the content. They do have the ability to revisit linked activities and resources again, even after progressing through the section.

4. If a student starts a scenario, closes it, and returns, will they still be able to complete the scenario?

Yes, if a student hasn’t completed a scenario the next time they return to that scenario they will be taken immediately into the next incomplete activity. They will still have the opportunity to review previously submitted responses but they will not be able to change their responses.

5. Can I or a student reset a scenario?

Yes, if, for any reason, a student or faculty member needs to restart a scenario, they are able to do so by selecting the "Reset Scenario" button in the top, right corner of the scenario.

6. How much time will it take students to complete a scenario?

The completion time for each scenario will vary based on different factors such as the number and types of activities, the variety of NGN style questions, and the number of times a scenario is reset. Additionally, the amount of time spent on a single scenario will depend on the method of curriculum implementation. For instance, scenarios assigned as group work or used for classroom activities will generally take longer compared to those assigned for independent study.

7. Do students need to be connected to wifi to use the product?

Yes, to use Unbound Scenarios you must be connected to the internet. However, core Nursing Central resources such as Davis’s Drug Guide and Taber’s Medical Dictionary do not require a wifi connection.

8. How do students submit scenarios?

At the conclusion of the scenario, students will see their responses in Answer View. In the upper right hand corner of the web browser (desktop and mobile web browser) screen they will have the option to export their answers as a PDF. The PDF results can then be uploaded to your institution’s learning management system (LMS).

9. Are you looking for more educators to join this community?

We are always looking for more educators to join our nurse educator community. Please let us know how you would like to be involved by filling out this brief form.

Our Unbound Scenarios team will be in touch with you shortly to get you involved.

10. What is the significance of the formative activities?

Formative activities, such as highlighting and noting, play a crucial role in scenario-based learning and implementing the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) by promoting active engagement, reinforcing learning, personalizing the experience, facilitating self-assessment, and preparing students for real-world application. Students are then presented with all styles of NGN summative questions to practice for the licensure exam.


  1. Ncsbn.org. National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Spring 2021, https://ncsbn.org/public-files/NGN_Spring21_Eng.pdf.
Last updated: September 11, 2023